Investment Pitch Media
Investment Pitch Media
Innovative marketing packages consisting of short 3-minute video news alerts embedded into a traditional text-based news release. Our distribution strategy, via our global network and internet database, gives public companies unprecedented geographic online and offline exposure at a price less than a traditional news release. Our video news alerts, delivered by one of our news anchors, are based on research reports and significant industry news.
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Watch Alex Jones Live. The Alex Jones Show infowars live is now syndicated on over 160 stations across the country and routinely breaks huge stories in addition to featuring some of the most insightful and news making guests from across the world. Jones is dedicated to libertarian and constitutionalist ideas, in addition to what he has coined "1776 worldwide" - promoting a true culture of liberty, transparency and freedom on a planetary scale to empower humanity, while vehemently opposing Agenda 21 and the globalist threat to national sovereignty.